Update drilling progress week 27

5 July 2023

Yesterday morning we reached an important milestone at the location. The first section of the injection well has been successfully drilled to a total depth of 845 metres!

This week is all about installing the first casing with a diameter of 34 centimeters and cementing it. This process ensures the stability and integrity of the well. Towards the end of the week, we move the derrick to the production well and repeat the same process, but with a slightly larger bit. This gives us enough space for the installation of the ESP (Electric Submersible Pump), an essential part of the production process.

The team on location is currently getting into the working flow. Despite a challenging start-up, we have managed to work according to plan so far. We look forward to the next steps in the project.

The attached photo shows the lower part of the casing that will be installed today. The remaining 830 meters of casing will be delivered directly to site and will go directly from the truck into the well. The photo also clearly shows the sound insulation material that protects the houses and exam rooms of TU Delft against noise nuisance.

Everyone is welcome to come and take a look on our location. From the viewpoint next to the location you have a good view of the derrick.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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