Looking back: information night about the start of Geothermie Delft

20 May 2022

The construction of the geothermal energy installation in Delft will start soon! That is why an informal and informative walk-in meeting was held at Hordijk on May 19, 2022.

In recent years, TU Delft, Aardyn, Shell and EBN have been preparing the geothermal energy project 'Geothermie Delft'. Now we are ready: the construction is starting. In the last weeks of May, we will start with the construction of the entrance and exit and groundwork will be carried out.

The team of Geothermie Delft has therefore invited local residents and entrepreneurs to discuss the construction and realization planning and the further process. During the meeting on the 19th of May, the Geothermal Delft team introduced itself and explained the upcoming construction activiteit, answered questions and received valuable comments and tips.

Did you miss the information meeting? Here you can view the posters that were shared during the meeting.

In a few months, we will organize more information meetings. You can read information about this on the website and in the newsletter. Do you have questions about the information meeting, the follow-up process, or geothermal energy in general? Send an email to info@geothermiedelft.nl

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